Does a handyman need insurance if he works on my house?

updated April 8th, 2024

In today’s world, where DIY solutions and home improvements are increasingly popular, the demand for professional handymen has surged. These skilled individuals can tackle a wide array of tasks, from fixing leaky faucets to installing new shelving. However, one critical question often arises for homeowners considering hiring such services: does a handyman need insurance to work on my house? The answer is a resounding yes, and understanding the reasons behind this necessity is crucial for every homeowner.

The Importance of Insurance for Handymen

Insurance serves as a safety net, not just for the handyman but also for the homeowner. When a handyman is insured, it means that there is financial protection in place should anything go awry during the job. This could range from accidental damage to your property to the handyman sustaining injuries while on your premises. Without insurance, the financial burden of such incidents could fall on the homeowner, potentially leading to significant out-of-pocket expenses.

Types of Insurance Coverage for Handymen

A comprehensive business insurance policy for a handyman typically includes several types of coverage:

  1. Liability Insurance: This is crucial as it covers any damage or injuries caused by the handyman while on the job. For instance, if a handyman accidentally breaks a window or damages a wall, liability insurance ensures that the cost of repairs doesn’t come out of your pocket.
  2. Workers’ Compensation Insurance: In the event that the handyman gets injured while working on your property, workers’ compensation insurance provides them with wage replacement and medical benefits. This is vital, especially in high-risk tasks, as it protects both the handyman and the homeowner from the financial implications of workplace injuries.
  3. Property Damage Insurance: This covers any accidental damage to your property during the course of the work. Whether it’s a mishap with paint or a broken fixture, this insurance ensures that the handyman can compensate for the damages without causing financial stress for either party involved.

Verifying a Handyman’s Insurance

Before hiring a handyman, it’s essential to verify that they are indeed insured. This verification process involves asking for proof of insurance and contacting the insurance company to confirm that the policy is active and covers the necessary aspects of the handyman’s work. Additionally, homeowners should not hesitate to ask for the insurance policy number and the details of what the policy covers. It’s a step that ensures transparency and provides peace of mind.

The Role of Homeowners Insurance

Many homeowners mistakenly believe that their homeowners insurance will cover any damages or injuries that occur during a handyman’s work. However, most homeowners insurance policies are designed to cover personal risks and may not extend to work performed by contractors. This misconception can lead to unexpected financial liabilities for the homeowner if the handyman is uninsured.

Legal and Financial Implications

In jurisdictions where insurance is mandatory for handymen, hiring an uninsured handyman can also have legal ramifications. Beyond the financial risk, there’s the potential for legal complications should an uninsured handyman get injured on your property. The homeowner could be deemed liable for medical expenses and lost wages, leading to costly legal battles.

The Benefit of Hiring an Insured Handyman

Beyond the protection against financial loss, hiring an insured handyman also serves as a marker of professionalism. It indicates that the handyman is serious about their business and committed to ensuring a safe and secure working environment. Furthermore, it reflects a level of preparedness and responsibility, traits that are invaluable in someone you’re entrusting with your home.


The necessity of a handyman having insurance before working on your home cannot be overstated. It’s a critical aspect of the hiring process that safeguards both the homeowner and the handyman from unforeseen incidents and financial liabilities. By ensuring that your handyman is properly insured, you’re not only protecting your home but also investing in peace of mind and the assurance of a job well done.